The Collective Agreement between Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Exam Invigilators and Ontario Tech U governs workplace conditions for our members. The agreement is updated through periodic negotiations with the employer.

GUIDE TO Article 12 and 17 & LOU #5- Hour Distribution

Where do you fit in Article 12 and Article 17 of the CA and examining the Pool System:
Graduate Students-Pool A:
• Ontario Tech has to give you the hours that are in your funding package (normally 35 hours to 280+ hours per year)
• they don’t have to give you more than what they promised in the funding package but they cannot give you less than what they promised in the funding package.
• Normally hours will not exceed 140 hours per term.
• They can give you these hours that they have promised you over the Spring/Summer term, Fall term, or Winter term. Normally the promise is over the Fall & Winter- and there are no promises for the Spring/Summer Term.
• Employer has the full discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get extra hours- outside of the promises they made you in your funding package.
Graduate Students-Pool B: (at least 140 hours per term)
• Priority hiring over C & D pool candidates.
• TA hours were not promised to you in your funding package.
• You must have completed at least 1 hour of a TA contract in the past year.
• The university has to make every reasonable effort to get you 140 in the Fall and Winter Term- no promises in the Spring/Summer Term.
• Employer has the full discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get extra hours on top of the 140 hours.
Professional TAs- Pool B: (at least 140 hours per term)
• Priority hiring over C & D pool candidates.
• You are not a Graduate Student but you have been with the University since the CAs were established.
• The university has to make every reasonable effort to get you 140 in the Fall and Winter Term- no promises in the Spring/Summer Term.
• Hours can exceed 400 hours per year.
• You completed a previous TA contract in the past year
• Employer has the full discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get extra hours on top of the 140 hours.
Graduate Student-Pool C: (on average 35 hours to 280+ hours per year)
• No guarantees of hours.
• TA hours are not promised in the funding package
• You are a full time Graduate Student and have never done a TA contract.
• Employer has discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get hours., effectively putting the Graduate Student into the Pool B status.
• Should be hired before a Pool D candidate in the Fall & Winter (but normally not in the Summer Term as per article 17). **however, you have no way to apply?
Graduate Student over the length of their program Pool C: (on average 35 hours to 280+ hours per year)
• The promise in the funding package has been completed.
• Employer has discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get hours.
• should be hired before a Pool D candidate in the Fall & Winter (but normally not in the Summer Term as per article 17). **however, you have no way to apply?
Undergraduate Student Pool C: (35 hours to 320+ hours per year)
• Undergraduate- who has met certain conditions. (Article 17).
• Full TA contract is 160 hours.
• Employer has discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get hours.
• Should be hired before a Pool D candidate in the Fall & Winter (but normally not in the Summer Term as per article 17). **However, you have no way to apply?
Pool D: (on average 35 hours to 280+ hours per year)
• Recent Graduates
• Outside hires
• Can be 400+ hours per year.
• Employer has discretion – without any transparency on who will or won’t get hours.